Thursday 24 July 2014


Congkak or Congklak is a mancala game of Malay origin played in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Southern Thailand, and some parts of Sumatra and Borneo. Close variants are Dakon or Dhakon (Java), Sungka (Philippines), Chongka' (Marianas), Jogklak (interior of Java); Dentuman Lamban (Lampung), Mokaotan, Maggaleceng, Aggalacang or Nogarata (Celebes), Chonka (Sri Lanka) and Naranj (Maldives).

Congkak, which is often considered a game for girls, has simple rules that allow the boards to have different numbers of holes. Congkak boards are often made of teak or mahogany wood are often elaborately carved into various shapes such as naga or birds.
The word congkak is believed to originate from old Malay "congak", meaning "mental calculation" which is mainly practiced in this game. It is regarded that an efficient player who mentally calculates a few steps in advance will have an advantage in collecting points to win the game.
The word congkak or congklak also means cowrie shells, used in the game.

                                                                 CAP TEH

Cap teh is Chinese traditional game which played in southeast. It is also called as "jian zi" in Chinese, the equipment is made from the shuttlecock. The player is needed to kick the shuttlecock as long as they would and has to passing the shuttlecock from one person to another. 


Step 1: Throw all five stones. Whilst throwing a stone, pick up one stone and catch the stone in the air before it falls to the ground. Do this for each of the stones on the ground.

Step 2: Repeat step 1 but pick up two stones at a time.

Step 3: Repeat step 1 but pick up a combination of three stones and one.

Step 4: Throw all five stones. Pick up four stones whilst one stone is in the air and catch the later before it falls to the ground.6
Step 5: Whilst throwing one stone, place the four on the ground. Throw one stone up again and catch it whilst picking all four stones on the ground.

Step 6: Throw all five stones on the ground. Pick two stones. Throw one in the air and exchange the other with one on the ground. Do the same with the remaining stones on the ground.

Step 7: Throw the two stones held at the end of Step 6. Pick up one stone and then catch the two falling stones separately in each hand. Do this until there is three stones in one hand and two in the other. Throw the two stones and catch it separately. Throw the remaining stone and catch it with the hand that has all the stones.

Step 8: Throw all five stones on the ground. The opponent selects a stone to be thrown in the air. The player has to pick this stone without moving any others. The player throws the stone in the air and picks the remaining on the ground in one clean sweep.

If at any point of time the player fails to complete this set of eight steps, he/she will have to forfeit his turn to his opponent. Upon his opponent's failure to complete, he will return to the incomplete step, starting from the very beginning of that step.


Permainan tradisional yang dimainkan diluar rumah. Permainan ini bukan sahaja dimainkan oleh kanak-kanak sahaja tetapi sebagai pertunjukan di pesta-pesta kebudayaan kadangkala dipertontonkan untuk pelancong oleh golongan dewasa.
Permainan ini tidak dimainkan secara individu, tetapi dengan dua kumpulan. Terdiri dari kumpulan penyerang dan kumpulan bertahan. Setiap kumpulan mempunyai pemain tidak kurang dari seramai empat orang dan kebiasaannya terdiri dari sepuluh pemain sahaja.
Salah seorang dari ahli kumpulan itu akan dilantik sebagai ketua dan lainnya adalah sebagai awak-awak sahaja. Tugas ketua kumpulan adalah sebagai mengawasi setiap penyerang yang masuk dan keluar dari gelanggang, iaitu disepanjang garisan permulaan, garisan tengah dan garisan disekeliling gelanggang. Manakala awak-awak hanya menjaga garisan melintang di dalam gelanggang.
Sebelum permainan dimulakan undian secara wan tu som dijalankan oleh kedua-dua ketua pasukan. Siapa yang menang akan menjadi pasukan penyerang. Penetapan pengiraan bertukar giliran akan ditentukan terlebih dahulu, samada hanya dengan cuitan ke badan pemain atau dengan menangkap pemain.

Gelanggang PermainanKawasan permainan yang sederhana luas diperlukan, samada di atas tanah, kawasan bertar atau bersimin dan di atas padang. Tiada ukuran khas penetapan yang perlu dipatuhi, tetapi dianggarkan antara enam hingga lapan meter lebar dan jarak bagi setiap garisan lintang gelanggang antara tiga hingga empat meter. Jumlah garisan lintang bagi awak-awak tidak terhad, ia mengikut jumlah pemain bagi setiap pasukan.
Sebagai penanda garisan, akan digunakan tepung atau tali jika dimainkan di atas padang. Cat juga boleh digunakan sekiranya gelanggang simin. Tetapi kebanyakan kanak-kanak akan melorekkan garisan tersebut di atas tanah sahaja.

Cara Bermain
Sejurus sebelum permainan dimulakan, ketua pasukan penyerang akan menepuk tangan ketua pasukan bertahan di petak kepala gelanggang. Ini menandakan permainan sudah dimulakan dan awak-awak boleh mula menyerang, samada secara individu atau beramai-ramai.
Setiap pemain hendaklah melepasi semua garisan hingga ke garisan belakang sekali dan kembali semula hingga ke garisan hadapan tanpa dapat dicuit oleh pasukan bertahan. Jika salah seorang dapat dicuit oleh pasukan bertahan maka pasukan itu dikira mati. Pertukaran kedudukan akan dilakukan iaitu pasukan yang bertahan akan jadi pasukan penyerang dan sebaliknya.

Peraturan Permainan
Kesemua pemain pasukan penyerang akan dikira mati jika salah seorang dari mereka dicuit oleh pemain pasukan bertahan.
Pemain pasukan penyerang tidak boleh berundur kebelakang setelah melepasi garisan gelanggang, ia dikira mati yang akan menyebabkan pertukaran kedudukan pasukan.
Pasukan penyerang dikira mati jika terdapat pemainnya terkeluar dari garisan gelanggang.
Pasukan penyerang dikira menang jika salah seorang dari pemainnya dapat melepasi kesemua garisan hingga kembali ke garisan permulaan. Satu mata diberikan kepada pasukan ini dan permainan akan dijalankan semula.
Mana-mana pasukan yang dapat mengumpul mata tertinggi akan dikira memenangi perlawan tersebut.

Saturday 31 May 2014

Gasing (Top)


The Gasing aka top or spintop is a traditonal game where a wooden contraption usually with an iron tip, would be set in motion by aid of a string or rope coiled around its axis which, when pulled quickly, causes a rapid unwinding that would set the top in motion. It is popular among the natives in Malaysia, the Malay community; especially amongst the villagers in the State of Kelantan and Melaka. After each rice harvesting season, villagers will come together to challenge each other in an ultimate test of skill, brain and brawn. 

Gasing comes in different shapes, sizes and weights. Gasing can be played by both the young and old; where the old usually play the bigger and heavier tops while the lighter and smaller ones are more suited to kids. 

The Gasing or spin top is traditionally made of wood. Blocks of wood are notched and scraped by hand until it resembles the shape of a top. 

Shapes of Gasing
  1. Plate-Shaped 
  2. Heart-Shaped 
  3. Hat Top
  4. Egg-Shaped 
  5. Berembang-Shaped
Types of Gasing

  1. Gasing toyol
  2. Gasing begelen
  3. Gasing berembang
  4. Gasing buku benang
  5. Gasing jantung
Gasing Gameplay
  1. The "Spinning Contest", the one who can spin his top for the longest time wins the match. Once the top has been launched, the top is carefully scooped off the ground using a thin wooden bat. It will then be transferred to a little wooden surface and left to spin for as long as possible. The trick here is to ensure that the top doesn't topple during the transit. Tough as it may seem and unbelievably so, the current record stands at two hours.
  2. The "Striking Match" is far more exciting that the first. At least you won't need to stand there for hours watching a top spin and spin and spin. The "striking match" is as the name suggests. Each contestant must try to hit their opponent's tops so that the already spinning tops will topple and loses its balance and speed.

Thursday 15 May 2014

the blog is about our MPU assignment on cultures our topic is gonna be about cultural games in the peninsular malaysia